Alphabet Derivations

This chart is organised roughly by symbol derivation. See the footnotes.

Aramaic 1 Greek
Arabic2 Hebrew Latin
3 𐤀 ا‎/ء א Αα Aa
𐤁‎ ب ב Ββ Bb
𐤂 ج ג Γγ Gg→Cc
𐤃 ذ→د ד Δδ Dd
𐤄 ه ה Εε Ee
𐤅‎ و ו Ϝϝ 4 Ff
  Υυ Yy→Vv
𐤆 ز‎ ז Ζζ Zz
𐤇 خ→ح ‎ ח Ηη Hh
𐤈‎ ظ→ط‎ ט Θθ  
𐤉 ي‎ י Ιι Ii→Jj
𐤊 ك כ ך Κκ Kk
𐤋 ل‎ ל Λλ Ll
𐤌‎ م מ ם Μμ Mm
𐤍‎ ن נ ן Νν Nn
𐤎 س ס Ξξ  
𐤏‎ ع‎ ע Οο→Ωω Oo
𐤐‎ ف‎ פ ף Ππ Pp
𐤑 ض→ص צ ץ Ϻ4→ϡ4  
𐤒 ق ק Ϙϙ4 Qq
𐤓 ر‎ ר Ρρ Rr
𐤔 ش ש Σσ/ς Ss
𐤕‎ ث,ت ת Ττ Tt
          Χχ Xx

Important note: This page makes no claim of accuracy in any way - treat this information as a point of interest. This topic is vast and opinions and theories vary. I am yet to have the time to find sources from which to accurately cite all the information presented - a lot of it is accumulated from across wikipedia, for my own reference.

  1. Images: Cronholm144 / CC BY 2.5 

  2. Many arabic characters look identical, except for the dots. For most of arabic’s history, these did not exist- one character stood for many phonics. In some of these cases it is unclear which of the two parent characters are the true parent - influence was likely taken from both. Thus the characters have been put under the parent character with the most similar sound. 

  3. Pmx / CC BY 2.5 

  4. These characters are no longer present in modern greek.  2 3 4